Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Plugging Along

Well I have made it 84 days.... only 6 more to the BIG 90 days Sober.  Ninety Days is a big deal in the sobriety world it appears.  Not really sure why, my research has dwindled lately as I been feeling pretty strong and the wine witch seldom makes an appearance anymore thank goodness.
I am thinking I have climbed over the PAWS wall again this round.  I can not understand how or why we have to go through the cycle over and over.  The alcohol is out of our system, we have found new routines.  Overall we should basically be enjoying our new freedom and ability to live a normal life. I know our brains are probably still repairing all the damage we inflicted for many years but still.  We are smart people (well now at least since we quit poisoning ourselves), why do we have to cycle the moods and depressions when drinking doesn't seem to be an issue anymore?  But I guess it is what it is and we have to deal with it day by day.

We still haven't gone camping yet. I am pretty disappointed in myself for not conquering that fear yet.  But I will hopefully at the end of the month.  We are unable to for the next couple weekends so I must push myself to then.  I know I will be very disappointed in myself if I don't.  I am not sure what my fear is because I love the peace and quiet.  I know the dogs will have a blast which is all that matters right?  I think I am worried about getting bored.  You may ask how can you be bored when you have the whole country side to explore and do things?  I ask myself that also.  Fingers crossed I will be posting about a wonderful camping trip soon.